I'm Just Being Honest

Clarke and David hold court with a friend who chooses to remain anonymous. She’s a longtime married woman who both her and her husband have kids from prior relationships. We discuss being honest about who you and your spouse are and the challenges and expectations that come with being honest prior to and remaining honest throughout the relationship.


Clarke and David are joined by Pastor Tony of the Seek Higher Ground Church in Atlanta who opens up the conversation sharing his challenges on becoming and being a single dad of four boys, forgiveness, and then closes with a prayer for us all.

Insecure Coparents

Clarke and David are joined by Single Mom Rachele to discuss an episode of Insecure and the coparenting relationship between Lawrence and Condola as well as their own coparenting woes.

I'm Just Saying

Clarke and David speak with women of @damnthis_ishardpodcast. Listen to the mixed perspective from married and single parents on relationships and parenting.

I'm calling a family meeting - So what I'm only seven!

Clarke And David sit with Ms Smith, the owner of “Friends of Cabrini”, a homeschooling collective based out of Chicago. Listen to Ms Smith share on the challenges of raising a child with no support system and how her seven year old called a family meeting to work through his feelings on the arguments between her and her co-parent, holding them both accountable.